Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our LITTLE "Big Girl"

So Adelyn is 9 months and 6 days old now... Whoa. That's crazy... Oh my goodness, how much I LOVE that baby girl! If this is just a glimpse of the kind of love that my Savior has for me, then OH MY GOODNESS! It's kinda overwhelming. Overwhelming but awesome!
Today was Adelyn's 9-month appointment with her pediatrician (Dr. Peters), and this is what we learned:
  1. Adelyn is now about 1/8 of an inch shy of 26 inches... That puts her at roughly the 15th percentile for her height.
  2. She now weighs 16 lbs, 14 oz... That puts her at the 20th percentile for her weight.

  3. She is little, but she is perfect! :-)

She had to get her finger pricked to check her hematocrit (which was great, by the way... She's not going to be anemic like her mommy), and she didn't bat an eyelash. Not a single tear. She was fascinated with the band-aid they wrapped around her tiny little finger, though. She's tough.

Because Adelyn has always been somewhat small, Dr. Peters had been suggesting that we keep her diet consisting of mostly formula and only a couple of solid food meals or snacks a day... until today. Don't misunderstand me; Adelyn has had PLENTY of solid foods, just not more than twice a day up to this point. Dr. Peters wanted to be sure that she didn't take any less formula than she was at six months, and adding more solid food would have probably made her take less formula, so we have been waiting to add that third solid meal.

I also want to start giving Adelyn meats now. Up to now, Adelyn has never had store-bought baby food. We are so, so blessed! My Papa Bob has gardens galore, and ever since I was a little girl, my family (and half the population of Blount County) has been eating fresh and canned veggies out of his gardens. Potatoes, green beans, lima beans, pink-eyed peas, sweet corn, squash, tomatoes, bell peppers, you name it--he grows it! So last summer, when my mom was canning, she canned Adelyn her very own teeny little jars of sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, and peas. We also have access to apple, pear, and peach trees, so my sweet Mama also made Adelyn some jars of applesauce and pears, and she froze her some peaches. ALSO, last summer my parents had a pretty impressive garden themselves, so they added some broccoli and cauliflower, which, when steamed, are great for making baby food! Additionally, I occasionally buy some bananas or carrots or other fun things in the produce section at the grocery store to pop in the blender and make a nutritious meal for my sweet girl. (I steam the carrots first, but the bananas I just pop right in there.) Adelyn is definitely spoiled in the food department, but that's a good thing! Aren't we blessed?!

Anyway, so I wanted to start giving her some meat, but didn't know quite how to prepare it so it would be suitable for her sweet little mouth (which now has two teeth on bottom and a funny little cluster of teeth on the left side of her upper gum, then a space, then another tooth coming in on the right side). I asked Dr. Peters about it, and she gave me some suggestions that I am excited about trying! (I know I could just go out and buy some Gerber baby food with meat in it, but I figure, "Why start now? We've done it all homemade so far; might as well do it for a few more months before she can eat the same things the rest of us do.") I think my first attempt will be chicken, boiled then shredded. I'll let you know how it goes!

Here's a picture of Adelyn sitting on the exam table in the doctor's office, waiting for the single vaccination that she had to get today (Don't worry; she didn't like that quite as much as the finger prick):

She was playing with her pants. The things that babies are fascinated with... Haha!

Tyler and Adelyn are sleeping now, and I had better get that way, too! Busy day tomorrow, and you know... the alarm clock. :-)

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