Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bama Baby and Our Valentine

Almost a week since my last post... I'll just have to hit the high spots, as I am about to fall asleep at the late, late hour of 8:00pm. Adelyn has already had her bath (thanks to her Daddy) and her supper (squash for the main course, apple sauce for dessert, followed by the usual formula), and she's been sleeping for about 20 minutes now. We are so, so blessed. This is what we get to see when we go into the nursery:

So peaceful. I will be sleeping like that in about 30 minutes... I hope.

Anyway, since my last post, Adelyn has enjoyed her first Bama basketball game! Roll Tide! (Again, I am a bigger Duke basketball fan, but I can't afford tickets to a game at Cameron Indoor... So Coleman Coliseum it is!) Thanks to the company that Tyler's dad works for, we usually enjoy pretty decent seating arrangements when we go to Bama games (regardless of sport). This time, we had four front-row, center court tickets... Not too shabby! Plus, Ashley and Phillip got to come with us. Adelyn was able to sport some new Bama gear (given to me by my sweet tech Angie, who is--gasp--an Auburn fan) that didn't fit during football season, and let me tell you... Everybody in the place noticed our sweet Bama Baby! One sweet old couple even asked if they could take a picture of her! Of course, who could blame them? She is just too stinkin' adorable!

Roll Tide, Baby!

Changing gears... Yesterday was our first Valentine's Day with our new little Valentine! Such a sweet Valentine's Day this year! Tyler and I exchanged gifts, but we had more fun with Adelyn and her gifts. She got a monkey and a balloon! And she loved them both! Balloons fascinate her, so every now and then we get one to have around the house for a couple of days. And the monkey was something she went "bananas" over (haha) one day a couple of weeks ago when my mom brought her to visit me at work. She talks to that monkey like it's a real person! Here's a picture of Adelyn with her new fun toys:
But I couldn't pick just one, so here's another cute one:
But THIS is my absolute favorite! "Is there a monkey on my back?"
I love it!

Have a blessed day, everybody!

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