Monday, September 14, 2009

Our First Date(s)

You may wonder why the "(s)" after "Date" in the title of this story... Well, that is because our first date story will differ, depending on who tells it. Tyler likes to say that my first date with him was different from his first date with me. At any rate, here they are:

Our REAL first date was the Thursday after we met, which was September 28, 2006. Tyler and I had been talking a little bit on the phone and e-mail since meeting the previous Sunday. We were just getting to know each other, and it had come up in one conversation that I do not like Mexican food. Tyler assured me that I would love Mexican food if I would just try it at his favorite Mexican restaurant, Cocina Superior. So that Thursday we ate (just the two of us) at Cocina Superior, and yes... He paid for my meal. I am still not a fan of Mexican food, but I have learned I can make a meal of a plain soft taco and the free chips and salsa.

The other first date story that may be told from time to time, however erroneous it may be, took place on November 17, 2006, which is the day after my birthday. Tyler had given me my birthday gift the actual day of my birthday, but since I had a Therapeutics exam the next day and had to study all night on by birthday, Tyler had told me he would take me out for my birthday the next night. He wanted it to be a surprise, so he didn't tell me where we were going, only what time he would pick me up. He took me to Firebirds, which was exciting because neither of us had ever eaten there before. Dinner was great, but the highlight of the night came after he took me home... Because that was the night that Tyler kissed me for the first time!

There were also many times between September 28th and November 17th that Tyler and I went out to eat together, and a few times he cooked for me or I cooked for him, but those are the two "first date" stories of our dating relationship. I still hold that our first date was the September date to Cocina Superior. Regardless, November 17, 2006 holds great significance to me as well.

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